Shoreline Amphitheatre applauds the influx of AI: Google IO 2019


/android-app-development-company/The long-awaited Google IO 2019 has been hosted at the Shoreline Amphitheatre at California on 7th of this May, and we are more than excited for the upgrades. The conference has cleared Googleโ€™s interest in Artificial Intelligence, and their readiness for this highly promising yet unexplored arena.

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google, seemed quite assured about the future releases and their popularity across the users. In a confident interaction with the audience, he discussed solutions to the key problem that will utilize new AI modelling techniques, AR and Voice Assistance where technology bring a difference in the lifestyle and increases productivity.

While the convention discussed primarily on Googleโ€™s high-end Machine Learning abilities, the leading Search Engine is developing to become a more people-oriented solution.

Be it a teenaged student who finds book learning complicated or an old man who finds it too difficult to talk, Google is about to prove that AI can make things easier.

The two hours long Google Conference can be summarized to a small sentence. โ€œGoogle is future-ready and it is relentlessly working to ease the life of every user.โ€

The Google IO 2019 leaves us with some reassuring features, our Android devices will find in the near future. The upcoming features are surely going to load the Android app development companies with heaps of integration.

Advanced Phone Cameras

Android was invented with the purpose of enhancing the Phone Camera picture quality. Over the years, it has only helped it taking clearer clicks.

The mobile phone camera has now become an extended window to explore the digital world. Again, Android OS has played a big key role in it. Integrating concepts like AR and AI have not only helped taking finer shots but also helped the camera perform more.

Augmented Reality offering more information

The mobile phone camera has become an extended window to explore the digital world. Android OS has played a big key role in it.

Google is all set to utilize home devices/phone cameras to the full potential this time. Features like Augmented Reality, have enriched it with abilities that let us see things a normal eye fails to, in the real world. The technology has been long used to entertain people by superimposing Computer-generated animations, virtually to the real-world elements.

The recent Google Conference has however announced the implementation of AR for more intuitive results. They are using the technology for a better cause.

Better researching 

People can search for things/products and experience them as corresponding 3D models. The searched item can even be restored virtually to the real world for a clearer understanding.

Google io 2019 3d model search

Image Source: YahooHeadlines

Aparna Chennapragada
, VP of Google Lens and AR exhibits a demo, where a shopper was searching for shoes. Google searched the shoe with a 3D model. The user can check it from every side; including the grip of the sole. With AR by your side, you will be able to check if it matches with your clothes.

Easier navigation

Last year on the same stage, Google had announced the implementation of phone Camera for Google Maps, thus making the navigation easier.

Compared to the conventional Maps that displayed just the blocks, the upgraded version of Map now integrates with AR Camera, to offer a more realistic user experience.
 AR based maps Google io 2019

Image Source: InterestingEngineering

Advanced AI-powered cameras

The Artificially Intelligent camera bridges the gap between the physical and the digital world. While the Auto-focus has been in the spotlight for years, the recent upgrades will power the camera beyond its limits.
The camera can now extract data from the physical world and serve more precise information. Aparna presents a similar sample where the user just scanned the restaurant menu with the Camera. The camera automatically detects the popular dishes in the card; clicking any, displays images of that specific dish.

Feel easier at new places

At some point in time, especially at a new place, we all have come across a crucial notice board. At the same time, it comes with a local alien language.
Your cellphone has a much-needed solution. Use your camera and it reads the board well aloud with translation.

Image Source: Cnet

Equivalent to the medical scanners

You heard that right. The Camera sensed the presence of Lung Cancer cells in a few people. The highly capable sensors detected the symptoms and the chances to develop malignant cells, a year before the diagnose. Google is working to make the sensors more accurate in the coming days.

Cancer detection by AI powered scan

Image Source: Engadget

Advanced Voice recognition

Google Assistant has been serving the android users for a few years now. Sundar Pichai and the team have seen the immense potential in this feature for the future. As said before, Google is extending its hand more towards welfare than comfort, this time around.

A boon for the speech and the hearing impaired

The team had come up with a feature named Live Transcribe before. The feature smoothens the communication with a deaf or mute. The feature โ€œtranscribesโ€ the speech signals of the other person to words on the device, thus letting the impaired communicate easily.
This time, Google takes a step ahead and has come up with an advanced version of the same, named-Live Captions. It understands the speech of the users with speaking disabilities and converts them to words. The feature particularly targets the users with Multiple Sclerosis. That is one big step towards humanity.

Tapping seems slower

Scott Huffman, the Google Assistant VP speaks of their forthcoming advancements in the speech recognition facilities. In his own words, they are working on the voice, enough to make the tapping look slower.

The advanced Google Assistant feature now enables the user to book tickets on single voice command.

The feature now lets the users command multiple apps at the background, simultaneously.

With Federated Learning, Google keeps upgrading the data centre and individual devices with the trending terms and predictions. The technology makes it easier to send emails and chat replies. The window comes up with dynamic replies and emojis to minimize the response time.

Advanced searching and user experience

The web is full of contents-similar and dissimilar. It is easy to land on relevant topics; easier to land on irrelevant ones. Google IO 2019 brings some good news for one and all.

Google now offers โ€œTimelineโ€ for the news event. You can track down the happenings of the subject in the past. The information is displayed as the chain of events with the exact dates.

Google will soon be working on Podcasts as well. That implies we are going to witness only relevant news on our io timeline

Image Source: Seroundtable

Data privacy

The Timeline in Google Maps tracks our daily navigation, that often seems annoying to people. As far as your device is on, the tracking inevitably exists.

Incognito Mode for Map

Google understands the need for privacy. They are offering an Incognito Mode for the Google Maps this time. This way Chromeโ€™s Incognito Mode fails to record the browsing, the Google Mapsโ€™ hidden mode refrains your device from getting tracked.
The same is synced with Chrome and Youtube to avoid the info-leak.

Control your data 

With the new Privacy option, Google lets users manage their activity data. It enables the user to let Google delete your data, automatically after a certain time. It is a continuous process, where Google will delete your data automatically every three to 18 months; as opted by you.

data privacy google io

Image Source:LifeHacker

Android Q making its way 

PC/Laptops canโ€™t be carried everywhere, but Android devices can be. The OS Development units are about to make cellphones more reliable.

Google IO 2019 is broadly devoted to Android. From cameras to voice to privacy, Google is optimizing every aspect that lies around them.

Stephanie Cuthbertson, the Senior Director at Android has hinted that the full-fledged Android Q will be out, sooner with several features we had been longing for. The Beta version is already on the roll.

On a brief, the Android Q comes with the following firsts
1. It is 5G ready.
2. Dark mode.
3. Enhanced Data privacy

Android Q scores relatively higher in terms of Data Privacy. Successfully scoring 26 security elements out of 30, it outperforms the rest of the OS platforms.

The widening reach of Camera and the rest of the features are collaboratively delivering a great OS for sure.

Final Words 

Google IO 2019 was purely based upon the unexplored infinite possibilities that Artificial Intelligence has to offer.

The Google IO conferences of 2018 and 2019 have particularly prioritized the ease of navigation. The Google Map can now open up the Camera and can point out the building names correctly, thus resolving the mishmash of blocks.


Image Source: KeyDigital

The understudied feature-set of the forthcoming Android paves the way for more business opportunities. The above technologies present the business owners with the right chances to prepare themselves for a better digital presence in advance. With better exposure in the market, businesses can amplify the conversion rates.

Android Q is expected to hit the market by August this year. You would need to get in touch with expert Android Developers who can frame a mobile app for your business, considering the above upcoming upgrades.

At The Brihaspati Infotech, we help our clients with the latest Android functionalities. Hiring Android App Developers from us can help you enrich your Mobile App with features at par with future trends. With highly optimized searches, you can expect your Mobile App to be highly precise and reliable.

Google has undoubtedly surprised us with its eagerness to help the needy. While technology was the prime theme of the much-anticipated conference, we are glad that Google is emphasizing on the welfare of society. The Shoreline Amphitheatre has a lot more to announce in the coming days. Sundar Pichai says a Thumbs Up. So do we.

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