Powerful JavaScript and Its Associated JavaScript Libraries

Powerful Javascript
Globally, JavaScript is renowned as the most popular and powerful programming language. JavaScript is normally used as a client side scripting language and its code is written into an HTML page. On requesting an HTML page by a user with JavaScript, the script is sent to the browser to do something with it. Your script used in the HTML page can be copied and seen by your page viewers. It would be beneficial for you that you can study, view and use any JavaScript encountered on WWW. Other than a Web browser, JavaScript also can be used in another context. A server-side JavaScript as a CGI-language is created by Netscape that can work roughly same as ASP or Perl. JavaScript can also be used to write complex and real programs exclusively in web browsers. If you are the novice in programming, itโs best to start with simple and gentle JavaScript examples that teach you the basics. The lots of changes has come up with the growing fame of JavaScript and it also causes the change in the look of web development dramatically. Several years back, it was hard to imagine the things on the web that we can do today using JavaScript on the server and also in the browser. At that time, things were usually enclosed within the environments of sandbox i.e. Flash and Java Applets. Although, JavaScript originated in Netscape Enterprise Server with JavaScript Server Side, but this language was not ready to work. Finally, Node.js has come into existence after lots of errors and trials. It promoted the non-blocking programming idea, also placed JavaScript on the server and thereby changed the way to write (I/O) ‘fread’ forever. The popularity of Node.js comes due to its simple non-blocking programming which can be achieved in different ways. Also, it allows easy usage of callbacks and event loop, not easily possible with other languages e.g. Python with Tornado. In JavaScript, every callback and event loop are built in to the language and mostly programmers are well familiar or used with them. Thankfully, JavaScript provides us with an incredibly fast and convenient platform with a non-blocking programming language. Surely, JavaScript will be successful to make its importance in coming future with its some of unique features like-:
- Functional Programming.
- Dynamic Objects and Prototypal inheritance.
- Designed for the Internet.
Every day the lots of alternatives and millions of languages are originating that might be useful only for initial development stages but in the long all will fail to replace JavaScript. JavaScript is a high-level programming language and not an assembly language, with a source code you can well understand. The major advantage to incorporate Node in your stack is because of using JavaScript across the stack unifies the language and data format (JSON) that allows to reuse developer resources optimally. In recent years, Powerful JavaScript and Associated JavaScript Libraries have arisen to make web developer’s life much easier. In this article we are going to focus on following fairly recent technologies and libraries that are starting to gain traction:
Node.js was developed in the year 2009 by Ryan Dahl.
- It is simply a server side JavaScript and uses an event-based server execution procedure.
- It is created on Google Chrome’s JavaScript Engine (V8 Engine).
- This platform is built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for fast easily building and scalable network applications.
- It is a lightweight and efficient event-driven and non-blocking I/O model, perfect for real-time data-intensive applications running across distributed devices.
A rich library of various JavaScript modules contained in Node.js, simplifies the web applications development to a great extent.
Features Node.js
Here are the important features that make Node.js the first choice of software architects:
- All Node.js library APIs are non-blocking and asynchronous and its server never waits for an API to return data. After calling, the server moves to the next API and also a notification of events of Node.js mechanism helps the server to gain a response from the last API call.
- As it is created on Google Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine, the library of Node.js is very fast in code execution.
- It uses a single threaded model along with an event looping and helps the server to respond in a non-blocking way and also makes the server highly scalable in contrast to traditional servers. It uses a single threaded program, which can provide service to a larger number of requests than traditional servers such as Apache HTTP Server.
- Applications of Node.js never buffer any data and it simply output the data in lumps.
- Released under the MIT license.
Advantages of Node.js:
- It is a platform usually built on Chrome’s JavaScript runtime for a fast and easy building, scalable network application.
- For any JavaScript application with I/O access, it is a Preferred run-time environment.
- Nowadays, Node.js shines in real-time web applications and also employs push technology.
- It offers two-way connections to allow both server and the client can start their communication and to exchange data freely, in contrast to the typical web response paradigm. This is in stark contrast to the typical web response paradigm, where the client always initiates communication.
- Node.js runs over the standard port 80 and based on the open web stack (HTML, CSS and JS).
- Helps to improve development process using tools built on top of Node.js; i.e. Grunt.js for automated build tasks, Mocha.js for the testing unit, and even Brackets for editing full-text code.
- Using the npm tool, it helps to manage JavaScript packages (node package manager).
You should consider Node.js variables if writing JavaScript applications for the client or server, as you can use and need it on a daily basis.
Angular JavaScript
Initially Angular JS was developed by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009 and now it is maintained by Google.
- Angular JS known as a structural framework for building dynamic web apps.
- Angular JavaScript is an open source JavaScript to build powerful single page applications by supercharging HTML with added tags.
- It allows to use HTML as a template language. To describe your application’s tools clearly and succinctly, it also allows you to extend HTML’s syntax.
- Although both Angular and node are different tools, still they can be united to build applications known as isomorphic applications, using the same language on the front and back ends.
- It is used for designing front-end web applications and in conjunction with the ionic framework it can even use for designing hybrid mobile applications.
- Angular’s dependency injection and data binding remove much of the need to write code. It is an ideal partner with any server technology.
- It is more beneficial for a developer since they can focus on learning only one language.
AngularJS Features
- AngularJS is a powerful framework based on JavaScript development and helps to create RICH Internet Application (RIA).
- AngularJS on using JavaScript allows developers to write a client-side application in a clean Model View Controller way.
- AngularJS written application is cross-browser compliant and handles JavaScript code suited for each browser.
- AngularJS is under the Apache License version 2.0. and a completely free, open source and used by a huge number of developers around the globe.
Overall, AngularJS framework is used to build high performance, easy-to-maintain and large scale web application.
AngularJS Advantages
- Helps to create Single Page Application in a maintainable and clean way.
- Provides users a responsive and rich experience with its data binding capability to HTML.
- It is a unit testable code.
- Make use of detachment of concerns using dependency injection.
- Helps to offer reusable components.
- Gives ease to get more functionality on writing less code for a developer.
- It provides pure HTML pages views and the business processing is done with controllers written in JavaScript.
Moreover, AngularJS applications can be run on all smartphones and major browsers including Android and iOS-based tablets and phones.
In the year 2006 John Resig created jQuery with his nice motto i.e. ‘Write less and Do more’.
- This JavaScript toolkit structured to simplify various tasks by writing less code.
- It is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, animation, event handling, and Ajax interactions for faster web development.
Important core features of jQuery:
- The jQuery helps to easily select DOM elements, traverse them and modifying content by using ‘Sizzle’ a cross-browser open source selector engine.
- Elegantly captures a wide variety of events like a user clicking on a link, without having a need to cluttering the HTML code itself with event handlers.
- JQuery using AJAX technology provides a lot of help to develop a responsive and feature-rich site.
- In your websites, you can use a plenty of built-in animation effects coming with the jQuery which you can use.
- The jQuery comes with very lightweight library i.e. Minified and zipped about 19KB in size.
- Provides cross-browser support, and works well in FF 2.0+, Safari 3.0+, Chrome, IE 6.0+ and Opera 9.0+.
- Supports basic XPath syntax and CSS3 selectors.
How to use jQuery?
JQuery can be used with following ways:
- Local Installation:
Download jQuery library on your local machine and include it in HTML code.
- CDN Based Version:
Include jQuery library directly into your HTML code from CDN (Content Delivery Network).
Advantages JQuery
- Convenient to use, easy to learn and does not require advanced programming skills.
- Helps to Speed up things and requires only 5 lines of codes instead of 30 lines of javascript codes.
- It is very simple to include it inside the head tag of your HTML code.
- Gives a more professional look to a website with the proper use of transitions or effects.
- Some effects of jQuery are identically same to Flash, and moreover you can do modification in terms of SEO.
- Jquery files can be used in a smaller size than a Flash and its content is readable by search engine bots.
- JQuery plugins are easily available everywhere on the internet.
- A High-quality visual appearance is offered by some of free jQuery plugins.
Node Package Manager (npm)
npm was created in 2009 and acts as a the package manager for Node.js. It is an open source project and helps JavaScript developers to share packaged modules of code.
- The npm registry is a public collection of open-source code packages for Node.js, mobile apps, front-end web apps, routers, robots, and other countless needs of the JavaScript community.
- npm as the command line client allows developers to publish and install packages.
- Mainly following two functionalities are executed by npm:
Online repositories for node.js packages/modules which are searchable. Installs Node.js packages with command line utility, do dependency management and version management of Node.js packages.
Core Features of npm:
- Modules Installation
- Changing the Location of Global Packages
- Installing Packages in Global Mode
- Listing Global Packages
- Installing Packages in Local Mode
- Listing Local Packages
- Uninstalling Local Packages
- Installing a Specific Version of a Package
- Updating a Package
- Searching for Packages
- Managing the Cache
- Managing Dependencies
- ExpressJS is a flexible and minimal Node.js web application development framework to provides a rich set of features for mobile and web applications.
- It is the most well-known packages for Node.js and helps for creating the great applications. Also, represents the E in the MEAN stack i.e. MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.js.
- The latest Express repo released is version 4.0.0-rc1. with a good amount of changes and therefore required to modify the way MEAN stack apps are setup.
Main Features ExpressJS
- Focus on high performance
- Robust routing
- HTTP helpers (redirection, caching, etc)
- Super-high test coverage
- Content negotiation
- Executable for generating applications quickly
- View system supporting 14+ template engines
Advantages of ExpressJS
- If you well know JavaScript, then it is convenient to use, regardless of complexity.
- Offers a simple way to get a server up and running and allows code reuse with built in router.
- As the de facto middleware’s is quite good, there is no need to roll your own authentication.
- Well-Supports concurrency.
- Performance is fast and comparable with Elixir’s Phoenix and Golang microframeworks.
A promise-based ORM for io.js and Node.js and supports the dialects MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL server, SQLite. It features relations, solid transaction support, read replication and much more.
SequelizeORM Features
- Schema definition
- Schema synchronization/dropping
- 1:1, 1:M & N:M Associations
- Through models
- Promises
- Hooks/callbacks/lifecycle events
- Prefetching/association including
- Transactions
- Migrations
- CLI (sequelize-cli)
Advantages of SequelizeORM
- While defining mappings between a table and a model on using the define method, Sequelize automatically add the attributes createdAt and updatedAt to it.
- So it helps you to know the database entry and when last time it was updated.
- To control async control flow, It uses promises.
- It has a sister library for handling logging and execution of migration tasks.
- It provides a list of ways to programmatically change or create a table schema.
It is a universal dynamic module loader and loads AMD, ES6 modules, and Global scripts in the NodeJS and browser. It works with both Babel and Traceur.
SystemJS Functions
- Built on top of the ES6 Module Loader polyfill.
- It loads any module format with binding support and exact circular reference.
- SystemJS loads ES6 modules rolled up into the System.register bundle format for maintaining circular references support and production.
- Its supports require JS-style paths, map, global shims and bundles.
- Its Loader plugins allow assets loading through the module naming system like JSON, CSS or images.
Basic Use
- Browser
ย ย //ย setย ourย baseURLย referenceย pathย
ย ย System.config({
ย ย ย ย baseURL:ย '/app'
ย ย });
ย ย //ย loadsย /app/main.jsย
ย System.import('main.js');
SystemJS trusts on Promise and URL being present in the environment. If these are not available, it will send a request out to the system-polyfills.js file situated in the dist folder that will polyfill window.Promise and window.URLPolyfill. Alternatively these polyfills can also be loaded with a script tag before SystemJS or via other polyfill implementations.
- Supported loader plugins :
CSS System.import('my/file.css')
Image System.import('some/image.png!image')
JSON System.import('some/data.json')
Text System.import('some/text.txt!text')
- Additional Plugins:
Audio System.import('./beep.mp3!audio')
CoffeeScript System.import('./test.coffee')
Jade Jade VirtualDOM JSX System.import('template.jsx')
Markdown System.import('app/some/project/README.md').then(function(html) {})
WebFont System.import('google Port Lligat Slab, Droid Sans ! font')
Handlebars System.import('template.hbs!')
Ember Handlebars System.import('template.hbs!')
raw System.import('file.bin!raw').then(function(data) {})
jst Underscore templates SASS System.import('style.scss!')
ECMAScript 6 (also known as ES6 or Harmony), is the next-generation of javascript and bringing us a lots of interesting features. It has known for a much friendlier and cleaner syntax
Key Features of ES6
- Arrow functions are the short-hand version of an anonymous function.
- Using the let keyword, ES6 now supports scoping variables to blocks (if, for, while, etc.)
- Classes of ES6 classes provide a way to extend and encapsulate code.
- Now using the const keyword, you can define constants in ES6 code.
- In ES6, you can assign a function parameter with a default value.
- A flexible and succinct way to assign values from objects or arrays into variables.
- Allows specialized functions using function and the yield keyword that create iterators.
- Map dictionary type object used to store value/key pairs.
- A modular way of loading and organizing code.
- Promises are used with async operations.
- Substitutes the need for using arguments to access functions arguments.
- Allows to get an array representing ‘the rest of the parameters’.
- A collection objects can be used to store a list of data values.
- A clean way to build up string values.
Usability of ES6 depends upon a range of factors such as:
- Where an application to be deployed i.e. server-side or client-side?
- Browsers to be supported.
- How does the developer environment look like?
- Access for tools to use (e.g. in an enterprise environment).
- Creating a new app or updating an existing one.
โUse the right tool for the right jobโ Now tools are available for you to use ES6 in a variety of situations. However, before deciding to start using ES6 later or now, you should need to factor in your application requirements and unique environment. Many of Powerful JavaScript andย Associated JavaScript Libraries or technologies work well together like you can conveniently use Node.js, Angularjs, JQuery, SystemJS, ES6 etc. together on the same page, providing you a powerful set of libraries and technologies to build your web apps and websites. Moreover, you can also look at some other upcoming libraries and technologies that can make your JavaScript coding life easier. We hope this article will inspire you to go off and learn a few of these fantastic technologies. Thanks for reading! If you want to know any more information or have any query related to all above discussed JavaScript libraries and technologies, then please let us know on Reaching us directly. At TBI our team of JavaScript experts would be happy to answer all your queries and doubts. May we know your favorite JavaScript library or technology, and why? Please let us know in the comments below: